Hệ thống trường học

Tên trường Loại trường Bang / Thành phố Quốc gia
The University of Tulsa
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Đại học / Oklahoma / Mỹ /
The University of Toledo
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Đại học / Ohio / Mỹ /
The University of Texas at Tyler
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Đại học / Texas / Mỹ /
The University of Sydney
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Đại học / New South Wales / Úc /
The University of Sunderland
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Đại học / Sunderland / Anh /
The University of Queensland
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Đại học / Queensland / Úc /
The University of Oklahoma
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Đại học / Oklahoma / Mỹ /
The University of Notre Dame
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Đại học / New South Wales / Western Australia / Úc /
The University of Newcastle College of International Education
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Cao đẳng / New South Wales / Úc /
The University of Newcastle
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Đại học / New South Wales / Úc /
The University of New South Wales
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Đại học / New South Wales / Úc /
The University of New Mexico
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Đại học / New Mexico / Mỹ /
The University of Memphis
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Đại học / Tennessee / Mỹ /
The University of Melbourne
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Đại học / Victoria / Úc /
The University of Manchester
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Đại học / Manchester / Anh /