Hệ thống trường học

Tên trường Loại trường Bang / Thành phố Quốc gia
The University of Liverpool
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Đại học / Liverpool / Anh /
The University of Law
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Đại học / Birmingham / Bristol / Chester / Leeds / Liverpool / London / Manchester / Newcastle / Nottingham / Reading / Sheffield / Southampton / Anh /
The University of La Verne
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Đại học / California / Mỹ /
The University of Kansas
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Đại học / Kansas / Mỹ /
The University of Glasgow
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Đại học / Glasgow / Anh /
The University of Auckland
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Đại học / Auckland / New Zealand /
The University of Arizona
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Đại học / Arizona / Mỹ /
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
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Đại học / Alabama / Mỹ /
The University of Alabama
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Đại học / Alabama / Mỹ /
The University of Akron
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Đại học / Ohio / Mỹ /
The University of Adelaide College
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Cao đẳng / South Australia / Úc /
The University of Adelaide
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Đại học / South Australia / Úc /
The Jannali High School
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Trung học / New South Wales / Úc /
The Institute of International Studies
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Học viện / New South Wales / Victoria / Úc /
The Institute of Creative Arts and Technology
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Học viện / New South Wales / Úc /